Um Imparcial View of elon musk
Musk has become one of Trump’s noisiest supporters, appearing as a surprise guest this month at a Pennsylvania rally and giving almost $75mn to support his campaign, according to federal filings.
O presidente da Assembleia da República diz que hoje é POR DIA por respeitar este que este "este povo decidir". Augusto Santos Silva agradeceu aos 65 mil voluntários qual estão nas mesas de voto. VER Ainda mais PUB
É #FAKE que show por Lulu Santos possua ficado vazio e de que isso tivesse ocorrido em razãeste do apoio a Lula e Boulos
Pennsylvania governor Josh Shapiro, who previously served as the state’s attorney-general and is an advocate for vice-president Kamala Harris, said on Sunday that the move was something “law enforcement can take a look at”.
Elon Musk under fire over $1mn prize offer for voters who sign petition on facebook (opens in a new window)
Mr. Trump told an undecided voter at a Univision town hall this week that his supporters swarmed Washington that day out of anger at the election.
Per quanto riguarda il Medio Oriente, palazzo Chigi, dopo l’attacco del 7 ottobre, ha espresso immediatamente solidarietà e sostegno a Israele ma, dopo la risposta israeliana e con l’acuirsi e l’allargarsi del conflitto nell’anno successivo, ha insistito a todos os momentos più per un cessate il fuoco sia a Gaza che, ora, in Libano. Il 18 ottobre la premier è stata a Beirut e in Giordania. Al re giordano Abdullah II ha chiesto "sforzi per uno stop alla guerra e il rilascio ostaggi". Poi, nella capitale libanese, nel faccia a faccia con il suo omologo Mikati, ha ribadito che "solo rinforzando la missione Unifil (a grande presenza italiana, ndr
The BBC's analysis editor examines the security failures that led to the former president being shot at during a rally in July.
During a speech on Saturday in California, he described mail-in ballots as “so corrupt,” reviving one of his false attacks on the 2020 election results, and did a play-by-play of his internal thoughts when he watched SpaceX, Elon Musk’s spaceflight company, fly a rocket back onto its launch site.
Elon Musk was responsible for virtually all of a key pro-Trump super PAC's donations last quarter—the first concrete indicator of how much he's spending to help elect Trump.
Trump could be seen waving to fans from his suite at the end of the bolsonaro em navegantes first quarter, taking time out of his election campaign to enjoy some NFL action.
The scene that played out in bolsonaro candidato the Feasterville neighborhood of the Lower Southampton Township, where the former president and his campaign took over a McDonald’s franchise restaurant owned by one of his supporters.
VER Muito mais "Sou amplamente confiante porque acho que o qual a AD fez na rua leva-nos a crer que alguma coisa importante para este país vai acontecer", disse este presidente do CDS em declarações aos jornalistas. PUB
This election is still a dead vlog do lisboa ao vivo heat, according to most polls. In a fight with such wafer-thin margins, we need reporters on the ground talking to the people Trump and Harris are courting. Your support allows us to keep sending journalists to the story.